Achievements & Awards

Awarded by District Science Center, Kalaburgi on Elocution Competition – Swaminarayan Gurukul

Published On: August 29, 2019 , Updated on : November 2, 2019

Awarded by District Science Center, Kalaburgi on Elocution Competition at Swaminarayan Gurukul.

on the occasion of  ‘World Population Day’ district science center organized elocution competition  ‘POLUTION EXPLOSION’ for north Karnataka student. About 24 schools participated in the competition from different parts of north Karnataka like Yadgiri. Sedam and many schools from local Gulbarga. From Swaminarayan international school Kalburgi Aditya Tirupati (AF0149) from class VIII participated in the competition after scrutinizing the students on the campus. student accompanied by the science teacher Mr. Veershetty With his moral support Aditya went to the competition  with confidence.

Aditya expressed hid own views on the effects of population explosion on the indian economy and he also explained the statistics of population. judges in the competition are impressed by Aditya’s fluency in English and content in the speech. Finally, Aditya emerged as the first prize winner in the competition.

Student Review :

The student expressed that competition is very tough and student from different schools had their own ideas and views about the topic given, but the way of presentation, confidence and his fluency in the language made him to stand different from others. “As last with the blessing of Lord Swaminarayan, Swamiji and my teachers i am able to emerge as a winner in the elocution competition”.

After the competition  patrents visited the campus and expressed their gratitude to the Param Poojya Rushicharandasji Swami and Principal Mr. Mahedra Varman.

Parents reviews :

Aditya’s father Shri Tirupati Expressed their happiness and gratitude for samskar given to their child. they also said “students are very lucky whomsoever are studying in the Swaminarayan Gurukul as along with Vidya, they are getting Sadvidya and Brahmvidya which are very important in everyone’s life”.

With such talents like Master Aditya every year Gurukul is motivating all the students on the campus to participate in different competition and prove their talent.

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul believes in transforming children, who will shape the future world. It transforms the lives of students with the unique value framework of Vidya, Sadvidya & Brahmavidya

Vidya  Stands for Modern Education, which develops the values like Leadership, creativity, knowledge, curiosity, and dynamism amongst other values within the students

Sadvidya Stands for Traditional education, which develops the values like gratitude, integrity, non-violence, empathy and breaking down bad habits within the students

Brahmavidya stands for spiritual education, which develops the values like faith in God, devotion to God, deep affection with saints, non-attachment, self-realization, and God-realization within the students

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