Achievements & Awards

Game Jam Titans (3rd Rank in Hyderabad for Game Designing)

Published On: December 18, 2018 , Updated on : February 12, 2024

3rd Rank in Game Designing…

Game Jamming in Hyderabad

Game Jam Titans in its second city for 2015 traveled to Hyderabad, with more than 300 students and over 60 teams participating for the event. An initiative by Mindbox and NASSCOM, school students were given an opportunity to create games around the themes of Water and Ice.

This game designing competition was held between two different categories – Under 18 i.e. between School Students and Under 22 i.e. between College Students.

At the school level competition, more than 60 teams from over 25 different schools participated. Each team consisted of maximum 5 students. 15 Gurukulites were encouraged to take part in the competition. They were divided into 3 teams.

Students were first taken to a workshop for “How to Design your Own Game” at a different school. Students showed an intense Interest in the workshop. Students were taught 3D modelling using Maya, Autodesk, etc. And then also how to render a 3D model and use them in their own game. Game engine was so called ‘Unity’ with which they designed their game.

Students were then given a theme called “Water & Ice” to design a game, before one week of the competition. All the students cooperated with each other and came up with 3 different games.

The competition was held in the auditorium of Oakridge International School, Hyderabad. Students got their own tables for each team. Games of each team was first inspected by the Judges near the tables. Then out of 60 teams 15 were selected for the top 15 teams. Top 15 teams included 2 teams from Gurukul Hyderabad. Top 15 teams were then asked to present their Games using a Projector on the Stage. Each team presented their own games. And judges gave points based on every criteria.

Then came the most awaiting moment of the day that is Result Announcement and Prize giving ceremony. Team from Oakridge International School bagged the First Position, two students from Class 5 were Runner Ups and team from Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Hyderabad bagged Third Position out of 60 teams. Vinay Kumar Sharma, Shubham Garg, Anirudh Agarwal, Gaurav Das, Bhavik Gabhne were given Bronze Medals and Certificates. And other students got Participation Certificated respectively. The team who bagged 3rd Position from gurukul designed a game in which a ball which collects the dust from the Water bodies containing different harmful radiations and made 5 levels for the single game. This was a simple game they designed and for which they bagged 3rd position. Judges were impressed by the performance and discipline of Gurukul Students. This made Students learn new things, and got exposed to a new environment and a skill of Game Designing.

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