Achievements & Awards

Innovative Spirit In Young Gurukulite

Published On: April 20, 2022

 “The value of an idea lies in the way you use it.”


We may have lots of ideas, but it has value only when we have implemented it.  One of our Gurukulite, Ashmit Soni of class 8 has proved this statement by showing excellence in science among students of his age.

          He participated in an innovative program known as INSPIRE MANAK Awards.  INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) scheme is one of the programs conducted by the Department of Science & Technology (DST). The INSPIRE Awards – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), along with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF), is an autonomous body, that aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10. The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children.

          There are 1, 00,000 ideas that have to be submitted to the INSPIRE Awards website. Out of those only 10,000 best ideas are selected to go to the district level. The people who are selected to go ahead to the district level are given an amount of INR ₹10,000 to build their project to their best capacity.

    In this program our friend Ashmit Soni used his idea, made an innovative material that can be used in day-to-day life.  His idea was to make a Contact-less water Dispenser.  This project got selected to participate at district level and he built the water dispenser himself.  It was a very simple yet innovative project.  His idea allowed people to get water without actually touching the pump with their hand. They just have to pump it with their foot. This is a beneficial idea as it keeps the water clean and sanitary. Such a dispenser can be used by the street food vendors so that the water remains clean.  Even hospitals can use it so that the water used by patients to drink will be safe and hygiene. 


     We here at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore, prays Supreme Lord Swaminarayan Bhagwan to bless him to reach greater heights in his future.