Supreme Godhead Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan has commanded in holy scripture Shikshapatri stating that:
सर्वैरपि यथाशक्ति भाव्यं दीनेषु वत्सलैः ॥ (83)
My disciples should give aid in charity to help the needy, according to their individual means.

Carrying the above message forward Students of Swaminarayan Gurukul International School Jadcherla have come forward in the form of Helping Hands to the Needy People in Jadcherla.
On the Pious Day of Holi i.e, 18th March, 2022 students visited Anuragini Ashram (Orphanage) where they all met 32 Orphan Childrens, Sri Satyeshwar (Mentally Disturbed Peoples & Govt Community Health Centre Jadcherla.
Helping Hands @ Anuragini Ashram (Orphanage)

- Gurukul Students chanted Janmangal Stotra & Prayed Bhagwan Swaminarayan to bless these Orphan childrens with Better & a Happy Life.
- Pujaya Akshar Bhagathji disclosed to Gurukul Students the importance of Parents into one’s Life.
- All the Orphan childrens were gifted with One New Pair of Cloth & all the Orphan childrens have come back with wearing of this New Cloths.
- Gurukul also Gifted Dozens of Biscuit Cartoons
- Gurukul also distributed Watermelons.
- Orphan Childrens & Gurukul Students have shared their experience & felt Happy.
- Eshwar Seth a Noble Person who is looking after these Orphan childrens thanked Gurukul Jadcherla for the Help but whereas we consider that as a chance to bring out a colorful smile on the innocent faces of Orphan childrens.
- All the Gurukul Students then Hugged each Orphan student with the feeling of a Younger Brother.
- Gurukul students got inspired by seeing these little colorful students.
- Gurukul students then wished to offer one Day Meal to these childrens from their Pocket Money.
Helping Hands @ Sri Satyeshwara Ashram (Mentally Disturbed People)

- Students came to Know How these People are brought over the Ashram.
- In What conditions did Satyeshwara Ashram volunteers find them?
- How do these 100+ people are medicated, managed together, Daily sheducle..!
- We came to Know that these people will never harm us until & unless we harm them.
- Finally students had a look over their Residential..
- Students interacted with Mentally Disturbed People.
- Students personally distributed Biscuit Packets to them.
- Dozens of Biscuit Cartoons were given to the Management of this Noble Ashram.
- Students thanked the Ashram Management for giving them the opportunity to Serve these People as Helping Hand.
- A try to bring a Smile on Needy Faces.
Helping Hands @ Govt Community Health Center Jadcherla

- In the Evening Gurukul Students visited Government Hospital.
- Students met almost 40+ Patients who were admitted in the Hospital.
- All the students wished them Personally for getting well soon.
- With an interaction with the Patients students came to Know about How they deal with the Pain.
- Students then Distributed Biscuit Packets to the Patients present in the Hospital.
We @ Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School Jadcherla Believe that:
“The only way to achieve true happiness is to express yourself in the service of others”