Transforming Life

Gurukul – An Adobe of Sanskar

Published On: August 11, 2023

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School, having a glimpse of transcendentalism is a place of Learning, Spirituality, and Devotion.

That is ours, but it is not. That is not ours, but it is [may seem like ours….. LIFE].

Being amidst of crowd, remaining unaffected and natural, requires Consciousness and God’s Grace.

Keep on chasing, materialistic pleasure at the cost of Inner Peace, noticing it not, become a normal journey. Residing in the Lap of Nature, aware that, this place once visited by Divine Shree Swaminarayan, adds additional grace for Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School Mysore

Silence and music of Nature like Wind and Rain, Naturally Nature’s movements soothe one’s Mind and Heart. As we know, Nature can Heal and time can change anything. You can see the evolution in Human’s Cognitive Ability.

LIFE – limited Time and Energy.
Though, we do Anything or Don’t, Though, we are Active or Inactive – Time keeps on ticking away – Adamant, Punctual and, Stable.

Gurukul is known for Learning, Respect, Punctual, & above all “Devotion”

If a Sportsperson devotes himself to his sports he can accomplish in his Passion.

By Bhakti Marg, channelized by Swamijis at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul, this Devotion of Exuberance Contagiously penetrating the Mind & Heart of Gurukulites

The Investiture Ceremony, as was conducted at Gurukul, made acquaintance to students about Election, Sense of Responsibility, Spirit of Service, and Democracy.

International Yoga Day, in which children actively participated, got an awareness that our roots are, in our culture. For instance, the yoga-like practice was first mentioned in the ancient Hindu text known as “RIGVEDA”. Dhanvanthri is regarded as the father of Ayurveda.

Charaka Samhita, Charaka describes different diseases, features, causes & remedies.

One Portal, how it can be enough to mention all the previous lessons, incidents and developments which, centuries ago took place and now moving forward. I tried my best using the privilege of penning this blog.

Teacher Transforms Students’ Life. Seeing and seeing vivid sorts of students. One common thing, I like to share is that when earthly human’s self-respect gets respected it reciprocates in multiple folds.

Swamiji’s grace of presence, the ambience of the school and, the role of Gurukul Teachers keenly Influence and enhance the hidden true spirit of learning in students and moving ahead in the path of “SANSKAR”

India, Unity in Diversity. As we all from different walks of life, learning from each other, we move ahead.!

Thanking You.